Practical Information

for Students

Are you excited to join the most active community in Cluj-Napoca? Welcome! Here you can find all the practical information you need to transform your experience into an unforgettable one.

Interested in the daily life of an international student in Cluj-Napoca? Chat with our student ambassadors! We assure you that they will kindly give you all the tips and tricks a new student needs.

The faculty offers accommodation for international students in the student dormitories, where the real student life happens. Though, the number of places is limited, so be sure you apply in time.

Self-sponsored international students will apply through the Centre for International Cooperation

  • starting with June for the next academic year if already enrolled student 
  • after receiving the visa if a future student

If you fell in love with Cluj-Napoca, accommodation during the summer is available upon request for international students who:

  • will be enrolled as a student also in the academic year after
  • cannot return home for the school holiday
  • have paid all the fees in time (have no debts)
  • apply for summer accommodation in time

To obtain accommodation for this period, please apply in June on the online accommodation platform.

Students from EU countries, governmental scholarship (NonEU) students, ethnic Romanian students (through the program “Românii de pretutindeni”) will request accommodation through FSPAC. Please apply for accommodation in time.

Cluj-Napoca is a student’s town, renting is not really that hard. We strongly encourage you to get in touch with a real estate agency if you want to rent an apartment or a house in the city. You can get information from them regarding the most intriguing deals available. You’ll need to sign a contract and pay a commission charge, which is often 50% of the rent for one month. A two-room apartment costs between 200 and 350 euros per month. All utilities, including water, electricity, gas and telephone must be paid separately. A deposit representing the rent for the first three months is usually required. It will be refunded at the end of your stay, if you leave the flat in good condition.

NOTE: in case you decide to rent an apartment, it is imperative that you sign a contract and have it registered at the administration – you will need it in order to apply for the temporary residence permit.

Of course, there are also other ways to find out what’s on the market (, Foreign students Cluj Napoca – Facebook trustful groups etc).

Non-EU residence permit is valid for the entire duration of your studies (bachelor or master). Please check the residence permit procedure at the following link:

Attention! Your VISA is valid for a limited time. Within the first 30 days after you enter Romania, you will have to apply for a temporary residence card. The entire application process is your responsibility.

The application can be done online, by uploading the documents at the following link:

After submitting the documents online, the employees of the Romanian Immigration Office will send you the confirmation/clarification message and the appointment details for submission of the printed documents.

The Romanian legislation will allow you to work 4 hours/day. The Faculty doesn’t offer jobs for the students, but sometimes opportunities arise through the community and internships, so keep an eye on student groups and social media posts.

EU Students

Documents required for registration for European Citizens

  • Address: 53-55, Alexandru Vaida Voievod Street (Iulius MALL Complex; Phone: 0264.555 656):
  • Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (submit the documents)
  • Monday – Friday (except Wednesday): 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (release of the temporary residence permit)

Scholarship students

These documents for residence permit must be submitted with 30 days before the expiry of the study visa:

  • Document deposition: M to F 10-12
  • Document liberation: M, T, Th, F – 14-16.30; W – 14 – 18.30
  • Address of the Romanian Office for Immigration Cluj: 51-53, Alexandru Vaida Voievod street (Complex Iulius Mall) Cluj
  • Phone: 0040 264 555656

Out of the classroom

Focusing on the current interests of its students, the College offers them the opportunity to participate in activities and projects within their areas of interest, thus having the chance to learn and relax at the same time. We provide the students with a lot of extracurricular activities coordinated by members of the teaching staff. You can join anytime our:

FSPAC mountain club

50mm Photo Club

Board Games Night

Library Club

Applied Research Club


Football championship

Media history Club

Theater Club