Outgoing Exchanges

Interuniversity Agreements

About these agreements

The memoranda of understanding, either institutional or interdepartmental, between FSPAC/UBB and other similar higher education institutions provide a framework for bespoke exchanges of students (BA/MA/PhD), academics, researchers, and administrative staff.

Each agreement has a set number of exchanges, with specific characteristics and requirements. Please note that any exchange under the umbrella of the agreement of cooperation requires a formal nomination from the sending institution (FSPAC).

V.1 Information for non-EU citizens

FSPAC has been successfully developing its international network over the years, forming long-lasting relationships with its students. Aside from the high-profile developed university associations that our faculty’s university has joined, it has also tied strong, durable partnerships with top universities across the globe, showcasing its open, inclusive, multicultural take and emphasizing the importance of higher education and research world wide.

V.2 FSPAC’s partnerships with non-EU member states


FSPAC welcomes Chinese students to study in English at the BA and MA levels. We have two long-standing partners and each year’s students explore Romania and Cluj-Napoca through the opportunity. 

Our partners:

South Korea

Students from South Korea visit Romania every year through the MA and BA programs. Dongguk University has been our partner for years, now.


Japanese students are welcomed yearly by FSPAC to study their desired program in English for BA and MA. We are providing a unique experience each year, along with our University, Babeș-Bolyai. 


We offer English programs at BA and MA levels for the students from Kazakhstan. The partnerships and projects we commonly created made our students to maintain long lasting academic relationships with our Faculty.